Jules van Irsel

Welcome to my online abstract of personal and professional endeavors. My name is Jules van Irsel, and this is my digital resume. I am a space plasma physicist, rocket instrument scientist, and former mechanical design engineer. I am currently working on my Ph.D. dissertation on electric current connectivity in auroral atmospheres, working extensively with 3D fluid simulations.

I am adept in mechanical and electrical computer aided design, engineering, manufacturing, and testing. I am also proficient in the core branches of physics, multilingual computational physics, and large data management. Fundamentally, I have endless intellectual curiosity which enables me to have diverse strengths. I am curious, conscientious, and interdisciplinary.

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Multi-fluid plasma modeling

Throughout my Ph.D. I've worked extensively with state-of-the-art 3D ionospheric simulations provided by the Geospace Environment Model of Ion-Neutral Interactions (GEMINI).


I've provided support on several NASA funding proposals including the 2019 Heliophysics Medium-Class Explorer proposal named the Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm (ARCS).

Sounding rockets

In addition to my dissertation research, I also do field work providing support for sounding rocket instruments. Image credit: Justin Hartney.

Computer Aided Design

Prior to embarking graduate school, I worked as an instrument design and assembly assistant at the University of Calgary. I took on the redesign of the rocket Mini Plasma Imager.